Babylogger App – Track Baby’s Feeding, Sleeping & Potty

Access on Smart Watch

Track & Log Activities On the Move

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What can I track with Babylogger?

You can log feeding times, sleep patterns, diaper changes, and potty training progress. The app also allows you to track solid foods and set reminders for 
feeding or sleep schedules.

Can I share my baby’s logs with other caregivers?

Yes! Baby Logger allows you to sync and share data with family members, babysitters, or other social health caregivers so everyone stays on the same page.

This feature is coming soon

How do reminders work?

You can set customizable reminders to alert you when it’s time for feedings, naps, or diaper changes. This helps ensure you stay on track with your baby’s routine.

Is my data secure?

Absolutely. Babylogger prioritizes your privacy and ensures all logged information is securely stored and accessible only to you and authorized caregivers you grant. You can also revoke access you have previously granted anytime you’d like.

Can I view trends and reports?

Yes! Babylogger provides daily summaries and insights to help you recognize patterns in feeding, sleep, and diaper changes, making it easier to adjust your baby’s routine.

Is Babylogger available on both iOS and Android?

Yes, Babylogger is available for download on both the App Store and Google Play.

Is there a cost to use Babylogger?

Babylogger is available through a subscription model with flexible pricing: 3 months access for £15, 6 months access for £25, and 1 year access for £40.

One-year subscribers gain exclusive access to the Apple Watch app, while all other features remain available across all plans. You may also qualify to access Babylogger as an added benefit through your health provider, GP, NHS, or social worker. Check with them to see if you’re eligible.